Looking for a way to triple your leads? Close more customers? Provide better and faster service to your current audience?
Well look no further than Facebook Messenger chatbots.
They do all that, and more!
And that’s the reason why we’ve crowned them our “2018 Growth Strategy Of The Year”. Although I don’t suspect Mark Zuckerberg will be coming by anytime soon to pick up his award 😀.
If you’re unfamiliar with a chatbot, it’s a piece of software that communicates with humans through a messaging application like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, etc.
For businesses, chatbots can help in a variety of areas such as lead generation, customer acquisition, customer support, and more.
No other strategy can be implemented as quickly and have such a powerful impact on the bottom line.
Here’s why:
1) Over 1.3 billion people use Facebook Messenger making it the #1 messaging app in the world.
2) Your customers are on Facebook. Every day. You need to BE WHERE THEY ARE.
3) Messaging apps have now surpassed social media sites in terms of usage. In other words, more people are using messaging apps than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social sites.
4) People use smartphones more than desktops and laptops these days. You need to be mobile, but developing a mobile app can be expensive. Chatbots don’t need to be.
5) Users open chatbot messages at a staggering 80% rate compared to around 20-30% on email.
6) More importantly, users are clicking on links in chatbot messages around 40% of the time versus 5% in email.
7) Have personalized conversations with your audience AT SCALE.
8) Capture a lead using a chatbot with ONE CLICK. No need to ask for a bunch of information. They click and immediately become a lead.
9) Send follow-up messages to chatbot users based upon how they use your bot sending highly relevant messages.
10) You can use Artificial Intelligence to teach your chatbot how to answer all of those frequently asked questions that you get asked over and over and over.
11) Not only can you use your Facebook Messenger bot on Facebook, you can also use it on your website!
We’re seeing chatbots work for all sorts of businesses.
Larger e-commerce companies where customers can purchase without leaving Messenger.
Sites that create and deliver amazing video and written content.
Local companies who are connecting with local audiences – online.
If you haven’t already implemented a chatbot, what’s stopping you? Right now, you’ll be ahead of the competition and have a long-term unfair advantage.
Need help? Let us know.