We all know just how much the web impacts our lives on a daily basis; but the problem is that we don’t see potential digital opportunities that can help us grow our business until it’s too late. I’m here to tell you that marketing your business through social media is both a present and future opportunity. If you don’t get on the train soon, you’re bound to miss out on all the benefits.
Social media is more than just posting offers and more than giving people an overview of your business. It’s MORE. One of the biggest problems we see at Crush My Market is the mishandling of social media websites. Our approach to an effective social media presence is updating profiles continuously with useful information that allows customers see the benefit of not only a product or service you provide, but the information and knowledge that you specifically bring to the table. Experts share lists upon lists of information that can help expand your social presence, but there are only a few things you need to do to get started.
To keep it simple I want to highlight 3 points that you, a small business owner, can do to help you boost your social media site influence on your followers.
To be able to create great content and generate awareness you must first set your objectives. Know what your goal is and why you are using social media. To keep your goals in sight and develop content that helps achieve your goals you will need a plan. One of the best tools you can use to plan is an editorial calendar; a calendar of past and future posts. This tool will help you not only outline what you are posting, but help you sync your posts to your goals. Staying on top of what you post is one of the most important things to do in the realm of social media.
Your followers aren’t following you for no reason. They have a purpose and often it’s to receive beneficial information on your services or products and your expertise. But here’s the catch; they don’t want to read a research paper or your resume. Followers want you to get to the point in a way that can be easily understood and is enjoyable to read. The best way to do this is to display information in an entertaining way like quotes, photos, videos or info-graphics. These types of posts show followers your work in action and bring a human aspect to your brand. The point is to provide information that is useful and stands out from the rest of their news. So mix up your posts and make sure you are not only posting text.
What is the point of posting to your social media websites if you don’t take time to see what your followers like, share or comment about your company? It is extremely important that you take time to analyze your post data. By looking at the data of each post you are able to see what your followers like and what your followers would rather not see in their feed.
If one of your followers shares your content they are taking time to promote your business. This is something that they are not obligated to do, but something you did compelled them to. You should take notice of this and send a message to thank them for taking time to share your content. This shows that their generosity does not go unnoticed and again brings a human aspect to your social media site.
Comments from followers are also important to watch. If someone comments positively on your page you should thank them. A positive comment can also be an opportunity to expand your social presence. If the positive comment is well written you can ask the follower if you can use their comment as a post highlighting your service.
Not all comments on your page will be positive. If you find yourself confronted with a negative comment, take a deep breath. Negative comments can also be an opportunity. You should comment back acknowledging the comment and expressing your condolences. This shows your followers that you care about the situation and are working to correct it. To go a step further you can also send them a private message that goes more in depth providing the unsatisfied customer with a more personal response.
Social media can present many opportunities to market your business for little cost; businesses owners should not be frightened by the daunting task of staying on top of their posts. By simply following the points above you should be able to get a better understanding of how you can implement social media into your business marketing strategy. But if you find all of this work to be just too much to handle, we can certainly help you manage your social media. We have experience in all of the top social media sites and can help you generate more traffic, reviews and hopefully sales. If you’re interested in seeing what we can do to boost your online presence, please take some time and fill out our free consultation form. We would love to show you just how much more you can do to dominate your market.