Capturing leads can be difficult at times and at others it can be easy as pie. But why does it fluctuate so much? It depends on what type of content the offer is (e-book, checklist, etc.), how much information is asked for to receive the offer (name, email address, phone number, etc.), where the offer is located (home-page, blog, etc.), and a couple other aspects. To help you get the most out of your sales machine we created a list of must haves to make capturing leads simple and quick.
- Type of Offer
The type of offer you provide to the potential leads is extremely important. There are going to be many cases where you want to offer an E-Book type document to fully explain products, services, or other information in great detail. But then there will be other times when a simple checklist or infographic will give the potential lead the information they need both quickly and in a creative manner.
- Forms
The format of the offer that you provide directly correlates to the type of information you ask for in order for the lead to receive the offer. When the offer is a checklist or infographic all that you should really ask for is a name and email address. This is because the information that you are providing is meant to be quickly digested and isn’t very involved with your core product or services. When providing a lead with an offer like an E-Book they are highly likely to be more interested in your company and the product or services that you provide. In this case it is essential that you capture more information about them like name, email address, and phone number to assist the sales team in an easy conversion.
- Calls to Action
Calls to action are buttons and hook-boxes that you place around your website and social media that provide visitors with an enticing description and image of the offer that you are advertising. Do your best to make calls to action stand out from everything on your page with bright colors and different text. This is what draws people attention to your offer so take time and make it perfect.
- Location
Where you post your offer is extremely important. You need to make it accessible to everyone visiting your site. By placing a call to action on the home-page and other main pages of your site you increase visibility and clicks. Along with posting it on main pages you can also incorporate them into blog posts and social statuses.
By following these steps you’re sure to start a successful lead generating campaign. Inbound marketing can be hard to start, but once you find a rhythm you really can become successful. Remember if you ever need help, the team at Crush My Market is here to help.